(Not so) Freak Number 43 – The Ones That Got Away (Part Two)

After the last blog, I had to change the music that I was listening to as I was writing, or I would probably fall into despair over the miserable state of my crappy love life.  Either that or I would have to change my blog to “The miserable gits guide to having a depressing non-existent love life”.  So the background music for this one is Stone Temple Pilots – nothing gets your love life back on track than with a bit of grunge music from the 90s and possibly a heroin addiction.

So TOTGA 2 – now how did we meet – well it was at my work.   I worked in a pub that was in the East End of London – not the ones that were full of Cockneys but the posh one that was in the middle of the Financial Sector.  Yes home of the Gits that had too much money and a taste for the nose candy.  I had one of my Regular Gits come in that was completely off his nut on something that he had obviously found on the top of a toilet cistern and accompanying with him was a Client that he was trying to impress.  Obviously Git was so far gone, that his Client (TOTGA 2) was trying to babysit him but to no avail. Eventually Git had left to go to check with the toilet cistern was cleaned and never came back.

So TOTGA 2 was just sitting there, feeling like a spare prick at a wedding.  So the obvious charitable thing to do was to go over and have a chat.  Okay he was gorgeous, English (What is it with Poms and me?), body that you could grate cheese on and an ass that just begged to be groped.  God help me, I am sounding like a desperate housewife who has been let loose at a Male Stripper Show – chaps anyone?

We chatted for a bit and it was a slow night, so I decided that I could manage the pub from the other side of the bar.  Hey, its called Public Relations people!  What a coincidence that there was a bar stool right beside him – the Gods were smiling on me that day.  So we chatted more, giggled and just had a great time.  He was so lovely, charming and just dreamy.

You know when you have to make a decision and you think back on it later and wonder what would have happened if you chose the other path.  That is what happened to me on this night.  It was getting to the end of the night and the last drinks bell had rang (stupid bell), and it was then that I had to make a decision.  Do I stay at the pub and do the right thing of cashing up etc or do I walk TOTGA 2 to the train station and see what happens there?  TOTGA 2 asked me back to his place (ok it may have been a one nighter or it may have lead to other things, hopefully not under the floorboards).

Yep you guessed it, I chose Option 1… Damn you work ethic.  Alas I never saw him again after that night – guess it was not meant to be.

I still wonder to this day what would have happened if I chose Option 2.  Will someone invent a time machine so I can go back and find out?

As for Git, it turned that he had passed out on the floor of KFC.   Git came back into the pub a few weeks later to apologise for his behaviour and offer me a bit of nose candy to make up for it.  What would have been a better way to apologise was if he had brought TOTGA 2 to me, dressed as a Naval Officer!  TOTGA 2 of course in uniform not Git.

I suppose if it was meant to be, it would have happened.  *Sighs*

5 thoughts on “(Not so) Freak Number 43 – The Ones That Got Away (Part Two)

  1. What right minded person would choose work ethics, the same work ethics that puts food on the table, a roof over your head and and the ability to lead a good life, over some hot sex?? Are you insane?!


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